• Mon - Fri: 10 am - 5 pm
  • Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

About Course

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About Course

IFRA® is the only professional program in the whole world that is designed in a unique 'Hybrid Structure' to give a 'Far' and 'Deep' knowledge base to convert a raw student into a world-class 'International Financial Research Analyst'. The entire programs is designed to get completed in 3 Levels or Zones:

  • Level – 1 or Yellow Zone
  • Level – 2 or Blue Zone
  • Level – 3 or Green Zone


'Far' or 'Horizontal' Approach

The Institute identifies that certain subjects (known here as Add-on Areas and Research Areas) should expand horizontally i.e. the subjects would change as the student/scholar would proceed from Level 1 to Level 3. Thus, taking the knowledge base from basic to advanced subjects.

'Deep' or 'Vertical' Approach

The Institute identifies that certain subjects (known here as Core Areas) should expand vertically i.e. the subjects would remain same only the content in the respective subjects would turn deeper as the student would proceed from Level 1 to Level 3. Thus, taking the knowledge base from surface to depth in certain core subjects.

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