We present a new model of asset prices in which investors evaluate risk according to prospect theory and examine its ability to explain 23 prominent stock market anomalies.
We hypothesize that investors partially think about stock price changes in dollar rather than percentage units, leading to more extreme return responses...
The inextricable relationship between state policies and the progressive development of Islamic finance in Malaysia has long been a subject of study. However...
The present study re-examines the impact of financial development on economic growth in resource-rich Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries over 1987-2015.
This paper examines the Indonesian government’s new microcredit programme, the Ultra Microcredit (UMi) scheme, designed to provide cheap, hassle-free loans to...
Using a general equilibrium model with private R&D financing, we investigate the impact of trade openness on innovation, trade patterns and welfare for...
Regional economic integration is one of the most effective ways of fostering stability, addressing regional challenges, and increasing rates of economic growth.
This paper analyzes the short and long-run asymmetrical relationship between Islamic financing and poverty.
As reflected in annual assessments produced each year by many business consultants, underwriting cycles in insurance remain a critical factor in insurance firm performance...